
Liquid Face Lift - Volumetry 7ml package 90 minutes

Price: £650



Face volumetry - what is it and what are its effects?
Over time, the face loses its initial oval, among other things, because adipose tissue moves downwards from the cheeks. As a result, the face loses volume and looks older, and the skin becomes flaccid and less elastic. For some people it can be very disturbing and cause complexes. Fortunately, aesthetic medicine offers safe and effective treatments to eliminate these problems. People who want to improve the oval of the face, recreate the appropriate symmetry and model the chin and cheeks, can opt for a soft facelift or filling with hyaluronic acid

Face volumetry - what is it?
It is worth knowing that the word volumetry refers to a change in facial features and denotes the need for surgery rather than the activity itself. Nevertheless, in common understanding, the word is often used as the name of the procedure. Face volumetry is most often performed with the use of hyaluronic acid (an example of such a procedure is a soft lifting)
What does face volumetry give you? This term is often understood as a synonym for face modeling without the use of a scalpel. As a result of the treatment carried out in the office, you can restore the correct oval of the face, emphasize the cheekbones and even out the contour. After the treatment, the face looks younger, skin firmness improves and wrinkles become shallower. Not only women, but also men decide on treatments aimed at changing facial features.

Face volumetry - what does the treatment look like?
As already mentioned, one of the treatments that can be performed to improve facial features is a soft facelift. It is used to shape the temples, cheeks, chin and jaw. It is also applicable to the liquidation of the so-called hamsters, that is, drooping cheeks. People over 50 face this problem most often. A soft facelift allows you to get the correct proportions and take care of the symmetry of the face and shallow the furrows. After the treatment, the face not only has a nicer shape, but also the skin becomes tighter and better moisturized.

Before the procedure, a careful assessment of the facial proportions is carried out. Then, with the help of a cannula, i.e. a soft and blunt needle or a needle, hyaluronic acid is introduced in the appropriate places. Thanks to it, you can give soft tissues the right volume. You don’t have to wait long for the first effects of the treatment, they are visible almost immediately. The full results appear about a month after the treatment (it is a gradual process). The effects of a soft facelift last from 1 to 2 years. The procedure is not painful, although you may feel slight discomfort and a feeling of distraction during it.
Face volumetry - for whom?
People who want to keep their youthful appearance as long as possible decide on face volumetry. The use of hyaluronic acid is recommended, among others in the case of sunken cheekbones and drooping cheeks. Face volumetry is also effective in reducing wrinkles and allows you to get rid of the problem of sagging skin